The title has nothing to do with this post - just needed a title.
Here I sit waiting not so anxiously about surgery next week. I have about had it with my lower back. If that hurts then every thing else is out of whack.
I cannot see how "House" got hooked on Vicodan. All it does to me is make me a drooling, drowsy, hulk sitting in a lounge chair. Could not even - charitably -call me a lounge lizard. This will be micro surgery they say. Home the same day and walking immediately. Doc says, "if you get up in the night, don't just go to the bathroom, do a lap around the house." Two stories - slick wooden stairs - aforementioned drooling drowsy hulk - yes and Oh By The Way - DARK!! Not sure I can get to the bathroom let alone "a lap around the house."
Another thing. With me convalescing there will be no one to protect my cara mia (the "my" is redundant there). from the "Invasion of the Palmetto Bug(s)". Not sure what has stirred them up this year, but they are frisky and frequent. Problem is the purveyors of roach (American Roach!!) poisons aren't really sure either. Maybe that's why they've been around since the stone age.
Well I will try to work in one more post pre-surgery. If you are of a mind to, a prayer would be great. Failing that a bit of incense offered up to the Deity would work well (Frankincense is liturgically proper don't you know).
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