I am sitting at my church office computer as I write this. Why - well because my high speed internet is not so high at the moment. Neither do my household phones work in any meaningful way - that is to say they are quieter than the proverbial church mouse.
Topping all that is the fact that my iphone carrier (ATT) gives me virtually no bars inside my home. Therefore I cannot accept calls on this alternate device - nor can I make calls without sitting outside (in the heat by day or amidst the Palmetto Bugs at night. Yes dear I know that whatever you call them they are still roaches. But they are "American" roaches!!).
So when can comcast (our sole provider of internet service that is fast enough to keep you from dozing between screen refreshes - when it works) come to the rescue? Monday between 11 and 2. The folks in Jacksonville (yes that is where I was routed to along with Charlotte, NC) told me they would contact my region - Savannah - to see if they could expedite it. Of course the Savannah region called my cell phone last night - but they could not hear me not hearing them. Lovely.
If the Parousia occurs this week (another fancy name for rapture - sort of) I expect I will not hear about it or be able to tell anyone else unless I am at my church computer. Not expecting that, but one never knows.
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